This Reiki Healing Transmission will heal all that is not pure loving consciousness in your energy field. In this energy transmission we bring in Saint Germain and the violet flame, the Reiki Masters and Archangel Michael to cut energy cords that impede your growth and full potential. We destroy old vows and agreements that no longer serve you and we bathe your energy in pure divine loving consciousness.
Listen to this healing transmission as many times as you like for full transformation. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe, it is the ultimate healer and redeemer. It is the Father (God) electronic life force Jesus spoke about. When you consciously take the step to move back into a love/heart based reality, then you open the doorway into Christ consciousness. This is not bound by space/time, nor is it bound by any religion or belief. It simply just is brotherly love and respect in action.
True peace comes from remembering only love is real.
I love you and I thank you for listening.
Namasté 💗
Deborah Faith