effects of stress in the body

The focus on health issues in the workplace has now become widespread with the constant threat the covid19 global plandemic has caused worldwide. Now more than ever it is important to ensure that our immune system be strengthened and that stress levels be addressed in order to minimise the negative effects of too much of the stress hormone cortizol in the body.

Normal levels of cortisol help regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels and even strengthen your heart muscle. In small doses, the hormone can heighten memory, increase your immune system and lower sensitivity to pain.

But if your entire life is always in high gear mode and stressful, your body may constantly pump out cortisol. This has several negative effects.

  1. Increased blood sugar levels. As your pancreas struggles to keep up with the high demand for insulin, glucose levels in your blood remain high and your cells don’t get the sugar they need to perform at their best.
  2. Weight gain. Studies have demonstrated a direct association between cortisol levels and calorie intake in populations of women. False hunger signals can lead you to crave high-calorie foods, overeat and thus gain weight. Unused glucose in the blood is eventually stored as body fat.
  3. Suppressed immune system. Cortisol’s positive action to reduce inflammation in the body can turn against you if your levels are too high for too long. The elevated levels may actually suppress your immune system. You could be more susceptible to colds and contagious illnesses. Your risk of cancer and autoimmune diseases increases and you may develop food allergies.
  4. Digestive problems. When your body reacts to a threat, it shuts down other less critical functions, such as digestion. If the high-stress level is constant, your digestive tract can’t digest or absorb food well.
  5. Heart disease. People with high stress could be setting the stage for a heart attack or stroke.
corporate reiki stress relief

benefits of reiki

Reiki reduces stress and anxiety and helps to promote feelings of being more in control of stressful situations as they arise.

In addition, Reiki may help to produce:

  • Higher levels of concentration and creativity;
  • Better working relationships between executives as stress and tension is relieved;
  • A positive and calm outlook and boosted morale.
  • Shows commitment towards the well-being of employees.

How it works

Reiki is received indivually in the person’s office via a scheduled Zoom call for approximately 30 to 45 minutes. The person stays comfortably seated and relaxed while Reiki is sent. There is no discomfort experienced whatsoever. We encourage that the participant drink plenty filtered water afterwards to help with the flow of the energy. Reiki energy is very subtle but still immensely powerful. Most of the healing will take place at night once the person is in sleep state, as the mind is relaxed and receptive in this state.


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11 + 4 =

Just thought I’d let you know, my blood results were really good, slightly overactive thyroid still but much much better and all inflammation levels in the body are back to normal ! Yay for healing energies and thanks to you and Michael! 😍🙏🏼

Rob - Cape Town, South Africa

The healing was great again! I went to a deep meditation with My Beloved afterwards! I wasn’t able to see much this time, but when I woke up , I felt lighter and at peace !
The healing is amazing! I do hope it will speed up the process of clearing and cleansing exponentially …but I do feel so much better!…And my heart is bubbly and I can almost hear it sing! ( can you believe that? ) Amazing !!!! Thank you for the healing! Amazing ! amazing ! amazing ! I feel like night and day !

Genoveva – New Jersey, USA

First, when I laid down on my bed the pain on my back and butt was overwhelming because all the scratching had made my skin raw, but I made myself lie back down and boom! I felt you zero in on my solar plexus. It was so strong that I almost felt that it was holding me down! The energy felt like a strong current that covered the width of my body, like a wide band, and continued until I was completely relaxed (that took several minutes) and eventually the pain began to dissipate. First from my arms, then my legs, my belly and then slowly from my back and began to lessen on my bottom. Have you ever had high-powered drugs for pain? It felt like that at first–the drug makes you feel so relaxed and good that you know you are still in pain, but you don’t care! That is how I felt until the energy quelled the pain. 
This current was strong!!! Then I could feel when you stopped. My butt still hurt some, but after a few more minutes, all that pain was gone too. Then…this was so wild!…my crown chakra began tingling and the buzzing spread until the sensation went down my head to my ears. Then there was pressure on the top of my head in addition to the tingling that became rather uncomfortable. It felt that the top of my head was opening and being drilled down into my head, so that it was a cone-shaped opening with the point facing down. I think it went down to my pineal gland, it was in the middle of my head and my 3rd eye began buzzing too. And this lasted at least 10 minutes is my guess. And then that sensation gradually returned to normal and I was able to get up and move around. That spinning cone would be my pineal/3rd eye?
It is common for me to feel the crown chakra buzzing and tingling–that happens often, but having this opening was something different.
Alandra ~ Bali

While listening to angelic/freeing music Deborah worked her loving care over my heart, spirit and body from a remote location. The healing session is done via Skype and I was immensely grateful for the opportunity to experience this healing. While she worked I felt the desire to ask archangel Michael to give me a sign that he was with me. I asked to see some blue light to know he was there. I saw some blue light several times move around behind my eyelids. Mostly, though I saw a lot of violet light. Later when I asked Deborah she reassured me that I had indeed connected with archangel Michael. After the session: I felt very light as if a great boulder had been lifted off of me. I couldn’t really understand why that might be. I had never experienced a Reiki session before. In addition, following our session Deborah asked me if I felt any pressure or touch near or on my head. I said no. She then told me that I had several visitors during the session including Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Saint Germain and Jesus. Jesus had his loving hand on my forehead…… I was blown away. Jesus, Wow!!! My delight was unmatched. I could only attribute this sense of well being and lightness to HIS generous LOVE and willingness to BE WITH ME. In truth, I think Jesus visits us often but we are mostly unaware of his presence in our lives. I can’t thank Deborah enough for being a conduit of Love, Grace and Truth. I highly recommend that this gift of Reiki be experienced by you dear reader. The gift awaits. Humbly I thank Deborah again…..and gratefully I bow to higher energies that worked through her to lift my heart and soul. ~ Namaste.

Naomi ~ Illinois USA

I just had the most incredible healing ever!!! Debbie and I decided to give each other a remote healing session. I did my “as above, so below” Crystal Therapy on her while she gave me her loving Reiki Healing and we called in the Divine.  My eyes were closed, and I was sitting very comfortably in a chair feeling such love all around me,  while Debbie was laying on her bed with “remote crystal energy” above and below her.  We were  sending each other remote  energy  at the same time and it was amazing.  I  felt and saw a vision of Jesus laying His hand on my heart which brought tears to my eyes which gave me such a feeling of love.  At my crown chakra suddenly started having tingles and I  was surrounded in the most beautiful white light. I was explaining to Debbie, what was happening in my visions as well as in my body. The color that I was seeing in my minds eye were the colors of each one of my chakras, so each one of my chakras were being “worked” on by this Divine energy.  The flow of love continued down my body all the way to my toes and I felt such peace. When I felt that my healing session had ended, I heard a voice in my head state, ” We have finished our inspection now.”  I laughed at the humor in that comment.  Debbie is very loving and caring in calling on all the Angels and Ascended Masters,  the healing energy was so incredible and I am so grateful for this session.
I am sure Debbie would oblige if anyone would like to book a ‘Double Whammy’ session with the two of us together. Let her know and we’ll arrange it for you. Make sure you have nothing else planned for the day because this experience is like a ‘Day at the Spa’! Super relaxing, and super loving healing swirling around you!

Mary E. Gates ~ USA